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Chiropractor License Defense Lawyers

Representing Chiropractors Facing Disciplinary Action

Facing challenges obtaining a license or being investigated by state boards and other agencies can threaten your career. Given the stakes involved, seeking guidance from a seasoned professional license defense attorney is advisable.

In Indiana, the chiropractic field falls under the regulation of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (PLA) and the Board of Chiropractic Examiners. The Board sets licensing criteria on top of state requirements and holds the power to discipline chiropractors for breaches.

In Illinois, licenses for chiropractors and physical therapists are issued and overseen by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), split between two divisions: the Illinois Medical Disciplinary Board and the Illinois Physical Therapy Licensing and Disciplinary Board.

Disciplinary Actions for Chiropractors 

Each year, these agencies and boards receive complaints against licensed chiropractors. The bulk of these complaints stem from patients and clients, although some come from state agencies or neighboring states' agencies. Typical reasons for complaints against chiropractors and physical therapists include:

  • Violation of Patient Record Confidentiality
  • Impairment Resulting from Substance Abuse
  • Misleading Advertising
  • Complaints from Other States
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Engaging in Sexual Misconduct
  • History of Criminal Convictions
  • Unethical Behavior
  • More

The Investigation Process

Complaint: It starts when someone complains to your state chiropractic board, claiming you broke your professional standards or ethics. The board checks if the allegations, if true, violate your professional duties.

Investigation: The board may tell you about the complaint and ask for documentation and more information. If they think the complaint is baseless, the investigation can be dropped.

Inquiry: The board may call for an informal hearing to gather more information.

Consent Decree: If they think the allegations are true and need action, the board may try to negotiate a consent decree. Always contact an experienced attorney before accepting any offer from the board.

Formal Hearing: If an agreement is not made, the board might file a formal complaint and hold a hearing. Here, the board will hear witnesses and evidence before ultimately deciding on repercussions and sanctions.

Appeal: If you need to appeal, you have a short time after the final decision.

Chiropractor License Application Denial

Chiropractor license applications are managed by State Medical Licensing Boards. Applicants may be asked to provide background details or receive a formal notice about past incidents. These might include things such as criminal convictions, DUI charges, or other disciplinary matters. Before replying to such requests, always reach out to a healthcare defense lawyer.

Contact a Chiropractor’s License Discipline Lawyer

When facing these regulating boards and agencies, do not act alone. Contact The Callahan Law Firm today for a free, no obligation consultation with an attorney. We're here to discuss your case, answer your questions, and create a personalized legal strategy to protect your career. Let us stand up for you.

Facing challenges obtaining a license or being investigated by state boards and other agencies can threaten your career. Given the stakes involved, seeking guidance from a seasoned professional license defense attorney is advisable.

In Indiana, the chiropractic field falls under the regulation of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (PLA) and the Board of Chiropractic Examiners. The Board sets licensing criteria on top of state requirements and holds the power to discipline chiropractors for breaches.

In Illinois, licenses for chiropractors and physical therapists are issued and overseen by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), split between two divisions: the Illinois Medical Disciplinary Board and the Illinois Physical Therapy Licensing and Disciplinary Board.

Disciplinary Actions for Chiropractors 

Each year, these agencies and boards receive complaints against licensed chiropractors. The bulk of these complaints stem from patients and clients, although some come from state agencies or neighboring states' agencies. Typical reasons for complaints against chiropractors and physical therapists include:

  • Violation of Patient Record Confidentiality
  • Impairment Resulting from Substance Abuse
  • Misleading Advertising
  • Complaints from Other States
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Engaging in Sexual Misconduct
  • History of Criminal Convictions
  • Unethical Behavior
  • More

The Investigation Process

Complaint: It starts when someone complains to your state chiropractic board, claiming you broke your professional standards or ethics. The board checks if the allegations, if true, violate your professional duties.

Investigation: The board may tell you about the complaint and ask for documentation and more information. If they think the complaint is baseless, the investigation can be dropped.

Inquiry: The board may call for an informal hearing to gather more information.

Consent Decree: If they think the allegations are true and need action, the board may try to negotiate a consent decree. Always contact an experienced attorney before accepting any offer from the board.

Formal Hearing: If an agreement is not made, the board might file a formal complaint and hold a hearing. Here, the board will hear witnesses and evidence before ultimately deciding on repercussions and sanctions.

Appeal: If you need to appeal, you have a short time after the final decision.

Chiropractor License Application Denial

Chiropractor license applications are managed by State Medical Licensing Boards. Applicants may be asked to provide background details or receive a formal notice about past incidents. These might include things such as criminal convictions, DUI charges, or other disciplinary matters. Before replying to such requests, always reach out to a healthcare defense lawyer.

Contact a Chiropractor’s License Discipline Lawyer

When facing these regulating boards and agencies, do not act alone. Contact The Callahan Law Firm today for a free, no obligation consultation with an attorney. We're here to discuss your case, answer your questions, and create a personalized legal strategy to protect your career. Let us stand up for you.

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