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Professional License Defense / 1.19.2024

Common Reasons Your Medical License Could Get Revoked

What to Know If Your Medical License Is In Jeopardy

As a medical provider, your professional license is critical. Without your license, you will be unable to practice medicine and make a living. Years of training and experience can be rendered useless with a single revocation. There are a number of reasons that your medical license could be revoked. If your license is in jeopardy, you need to speak with an attorney.

At The Callahan Law Firm, our attorneys understand the immense amount of pressure that healthcare professionals are under. We know that the threat of license suspension or revocation is constantly looming, which is why we are here to help. Our lawyers can provide you with the guidance and resources you need if you are ever at risk of losing your medical license. Contact our office today at (312) 209-9394 to schedule a confidential consultation. 

Reasons Your Medical License May Get Revoked

While your medical license could be under threat of revocation for a number of reasons, there must be evidence of some sort of wrongdoing before the revocation can take effect. If you receive notification that your license may be revoked or suspended by the state medical board, you need to speak with an attorney immediately to determine the best course of legal action.

Common reasons medical licenses are revoked include:

  • Substance abuse
  • Medical malpractice
  • Sexual assault or misconduct
  • Medical insurance fraud such as billing fraud or receiving kickbacks
  • Criminal convictions
  • Violations of prescription drug laws (overprescribing, stealing, or aiding and abetting)
  • Abuse of a patient

Before your license is revoked, the state medical board will usually conduct an investigation into any claim of fraud, abuse, or misconduct. Claims can come from patients, co-workers, or other agencies that suspect wrongdoing. 

You have a right to defend against these claims. Depending on the circumstances, you may have the opportunity for a formal hearing. It is important to consult with an attorney as early in the process as possible to ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case. 

What to Do If You Receive Notice of an Investigation

If you are being investigated for possible misconduct you should speak with an attorney immediately about your rights. You will want to prepare a comprehensive defense against the allegations of abuse, fraud or other wrongdoing. It is important to collect any evidence that may prove your innocence and help protect your license. 

The loss of your medical license could be damaging to your reputation, your career, and your practice. Even a suspension can be extremely detrimental to your livelihood. Exercising your rights can prove critical to a successful outcome in your case.

Are You At Risk of Losing Your Medical License in Indiana or Illinois?

If you are at risk of losing your medical license in Indiana or Illinois, contact our office at (312) 209-9394 to schedule a confidential consultation. Our attorneys have over a decade of combined experience working with medical professionals. Let us help you keep your license and defend against allegations of misconduct. Call our office today to speak directly with a member of The Callahan Law Firm legal team. 

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We pride ourselves on providing a comprehensive service to our clients, which starts immediately upon us being retained. Our services do not end until a case is fully resolved, and we remain committed to helping our clients through any downstream effects. Our attorneys have a combined fifteen years of experience. We are prepared to fight for your rights and ability to work in the healthcare industry.

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