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DEA Investigations / 1.19.2024

How to Prepare for a DEA Investigation at Your Hospital

What You Need to Know If You Are Under Investigation by the Drug Enforcement Agency

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has sweeping authority to inspect hospitals to ensure compliance with federal laws. It is essential to prepare for a DEA inspection with the help of a lawyer. Failing an inspection can result in administrative sanctions and other penalties. It is important to be prepared through thorough recordkeeping for any inspection or investigation that you may face from a regulatory agency. 

At The Callahan Law Firm, we help healthcare providers and other medical professionals prepare for DEA investigations, audits, and inspections. Our lawyers are well-versed in state and federal law, having over a decade of combined experience working in healthcare-related fields, including enforcement and prosecutions. If your hospital has been notified of a DEA investigation, contact our office at (312) 209-9394 to schedule a confidential consultation.

Preparing for a DEA Investigation

During the course of your career as a medical professional, you may be subject to one or more investigations, inspections, or audits by regulatory agencies. One of the most common is through the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The DEA can conduct an inspection of your premises under certain circumstances. Preparing for these inspections is critical.

First, if you are notified of the investigation or inspection, contact the hospital administrator. The owner of the facility should be put on notice. It is strongly recommended that you also consult with an attorney at this stage of the process the earlier you speak to an attorney, the stronger the chances are that you will be in full compliance with the investigation.

Next, review your records to ensure that everything is in good order. Conduct regular reviews to determine whether there are any errors or omissions in your recordkeeping. When the investigators arrive, you have the right to ask for their credentials. Be sure to check these before allowing the inspectors to take any records. Make photocopies of anything they confiscate. Take notes about any corrections you can make. 

Finally, start making the corrections necessary to ensure compliance with the DEA’s findings. In many cases, any points of failure can be remedied fairly quickly. Take the time to address these issues. 

What to Remember About DEA Investigations

One of the most important things to remember about DEA inspections or investigations is that you have the right to an attorney. You should exercise this right. Working with an experienced lawyer can help ensure that you do not receive penalties or sanctions as a result of an investigation. 

Under Investigation by the DEA? Contact Our Office. 

If you are under investigation by the DEA in Indiana or Illinois or have an upcoming inspection, contact our office at (312) 209-9394 to schedule a confidential consultation. Our attorneys can help you understand your rights and responsibilities. 

We have over a decade of combined legal experience working with medical professionals. We know the law and will help guide you through the process. DEA investigations can feel overwhelming but can often be overcome with due diligence and thoughtful preparation. Call now to get started. 

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